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  • Bready, do me a favor and ban me for a month, really! I am working by my computer and have no self control, and I need to stay out of the fray for a while.

    Thanks Buddy, Larry
    Just want you to know i think you’re a terrible temptation, basically, I think about you holding me (that’s not PC) and i told you that I love your f***ing mouth, so can you ban me? I need to get a life dude.

    P.S. I would’ve sent this as a PM and kept it between us, but it looks like your mail box is full.

    Upon a 2nd look, maybe your mailbox isn’t full. But I’ll leave it here anyway.
    I regularly pleasure myself while looking at pictures of Bready without his shirt on.

    My mom almost caught me today. It was scary, but worth it!
    Just a quick note to let you know that I think you do a darn good job herding the cats in OT while promoting learning through discussion. I have spent a lot of time on forums about fishing since 2005 for work (a state fish and game department) and honestly have never seen it done as well as you. You are articulate too, w/o being stilted. W/regard to politics and other controversial subjects, I find myself thinking "Bready is either extremely well-studied or a super quick learner." This was especially true during the recent election. I hope your career takes advantage of your communication and people-management skills.
    Are you the one who banned me for a week? If so what for? I have propositioned no one. So what was that all about?
    i hope you appreciate the self-control it takes to not just spew profanity at coupe' de grace.
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