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  • Well I cant argue with any of that. How many languages do you speak? I must say, if you want to move to cali, then get your ass out here. We need more girls that are into cars around these parts, and besides.....it is always funny to watch a guy get schooled by a girl when they think they know what the hell they are talking about. I also agree with the too much fun part, i don't even drive my truck that I still make payments on since I bought my wagon. If you don't mind me asking, what is your real name?
    So what's the deal with the Cali vixxen when it says you don't live in Cali? And why no boost for the 854? I wouldn't know whAt to do if my wagon was non turbo. Boost is what makes it fun when they can't figure out why the car that just beat them was a Volvo wagon.
    Damn, sorry to hear about the job. If you really do want to paint Niall's trim though, you're welcome too. A weekend would probably work best, but whatever works for you works for me. You and Andy could come up and we could even have a little mini meet somewhere if we wanted. Best of luck finding work.
    hey so if you're not sure whether or not you're junking it...i know of a way to fix it for relatively cheap if you're interested.
    anywho, i'll go down and get your stuff soon and we'll have to hang out again.
    Well. they booted me for takin' ur side I guess.. Aint Dat a Bitch ?
    Bleh! That sucks. I'm the shipping manager/customer service at my new job. I sell custom glass...bent, laminated, IGU's, TOROGLAS, etc.
    I took a lot of my stuff out for the interivew, but then I was told that it didn't matter anyway. We don't deal with a ton of customers in the office.
    Thanks! i think septum piercings tend to look better on girls if you keep it to a small diameter horseshoe with 3mm balls. Depends on how dainty your face is, though...and mine ain't particularly dainty. :lol: I actually just started a new job in an office, and they let me have the purple hair and the piercings! It's pretty cool.
    Haha, very nice. I used to have vertical snakebites, but I don't think that the chick did a very good job and they started migrating. I would love to have them back someday, or just get regular snakebites.
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