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  • nice honda motor dip tard, maybe i'll forget a few grounds when i'm putting that stupid thing in your stupid car
    hey how about comming out of the closet, sand stop calling people fag to hide the fact your one lol
    yo BETCH - I was in K-town a few weekends ago - whereTF were you? I bumped into Gavin Goodchild and his red 850 - he's quite the Volvo enthusiast these days eh? he even took it to the track (ha ha - N/A FTL). my 745 turbo is up and running again - and it's running strong. I did a whole engine swap on the street one weekend. give me a hollah sometime - I'll be back in K-town in August for another wedding, and probably before then too.

    Were you looking for a complete T5 engine or just the block?

    I might have one available soon for very cheap!

    Let me know if you are interested.

    Btw, your pm box is full!
    Mike, u got impounded?? wtf...

    My 13C is dead (according to the blue exhaust cloud!!) I called you today... can you please tell me where this fella is at so I can get my 15G. Cant really boost until then, so I need this pronto.
    Hey, I'm still trying to sell this 850. I'm headed to Montreal tomorrow, so if you know anybody in Kingston who might be interested let me know.

    No, not women....

    The things on the hood of an 850.

    I'll pay you gratuitously for them! I really need them :run:
    clear your inbox fag.

    also. drinking in barrie tonight. you in town or not? you can crash at my place if you need to.
    oh hay thar weiner smoker.
    details. tell me your scandelous details of your voyage
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