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  • Hello, I had posted in the wanted section for a spoiler for an 86 240 with the humped trunk. Another member mentioned you possibly had one for sale a while ago?
    Any oil temp senders still around? You posted you had a couple: (240 Oil temp sensor/sender12-05-2016, 02:52 PM)
    Let me know if those e-codes would be something for
    You else's I'll put them up for sale here
    Your PM box is full...

    What I really need is a spare M46/7 shift lever so I can check each knob individually as I make them. If you have one laying around and would like to send it over, I'll mail you back a free knob.
    Everything is good, pretty broke these days, it's getting harder and harder to pay for school. I'll be done in May though and hopefully getting a job! A 10 month old, that's awesome, don't give my girlfriend any ideas, haha! Boy or girl?

    How about, I'll just worry about the remainder of shipping and do $95 shipped!? I wish this thing would have fit on my 242 Gt, haha (still never found out if it would have).

    Your inbox seems to be full, let me know if you want me to forward the message here.
    hey dude, shoot me a text or call for the pics of rims and such. im soo bad at posting pics here. 8588051083
    Hey are you getting my messages? Its telling me that I have not sent any. If not shoot me an email @ zaqw.mail@gmail.com Thanks.
    Yep, come on out! 9473 B Perry Rd. Graham, NC 27516. I'm on facebook as well... Personal: Dietrich Brooks, Business: Knowledge Motorsport
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