This is a volvo community. If you have done something on here to save a volvo. I respect that. I dont respect you discouraging anyone on this forum from doing something you did. Even if it took you 6 years.
Maybe this is a wake up call. If I decide to make a build thread. Don't make any comments that are discouraging in nature. I told you all this in the thread, and you wanted to play games. So I reported you so maybe you will understand the clear message that your opinion isnt wanted. If I want your widsom or advice, Ill refer to your build thread.
Maybe this is a wake up call. If I decide to make a build thread. Don't make any comments that are discouraging in nature. I told you all this in the thread, and you wanted to play games. So I reported you so maybe you will understand the clear message that your opinion isnt wanted. If I want your widsom or advice, Ill refer to your build thread.