• Hello Guest, welcome to the initial stages of our new platform!
    You can find some additional information about where we are in the process of migrating the board and setting up our new software here

    Thank you for being a part of our community!

What do I get for donating?

Well, aside from the obvious good feeling of helping to keep the community running, we've created an account status called "contributors" to give back to the members who have donated their hard earned money. This upgraded account status currently gives users the following bonuses:

  • Upgraded Private Message inbox to 2000 messages
  • Carbon copy send private messages up to 10 people at a time
  • Upload images directly to turbobricks messageboard for posting
  • Your own Photo Album to upload and store images on turbobricks
  • Double your Avatar file size limit
  • Customize the user title text displayed under their name (*scroll down to read how to do this)