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2024-01-06 2024 Party! virtual meet. 6pm East coast US.

inactivity timeout... if yall want me to kick it again tonight hit me on facebook or discord.. I'm in the shop cleanin' up and what not.
I can light it up again for a bit if yall want, I'm still dorking around in the shop. or I can start a session in discord if you're on there... idgaf
Sure, pile that onto the 8th as well...ain't gonna be there. Got a wedding to attend/assist with, and some time with the GF...somehow been together 6 months already.

Y'all have fun!
its up. an hour late. lol. no promises on how much I participate tho yet. bit tired today
heh. apparently zoom updated my personal meeting info for some reason.

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I tried the last time but was unsuccessful, and I was having laptop/beer issues. I'll see if kenny wants to take summer off or continue in June.
lets put a pin in this until maybe august, mostly because we've got a lot going on in june and july, and I'll pretty much be out of town the first saturday of each month. we can move it around I reckon (but I might forget lol) if yall want, but the first saturday part is going to be a hard target this summer
Alright, it's the week of Cinco de augusto. We wanna do dis? see how woefully behind everyone is on mountain meat prep? (I've given up even planning my stuff, I'll be in the new car #bitchout ) The plan this year is to focus on the c4 segue and have it in shape for the trip. I would say this should be a slam dunk given what's left to fix vs how much time appears to be on the calendar, but.... none of that has worked out for me yet this year, so I imagine it's going to need an early august crunch to provide enough shakedown time down the back stretch.