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940 cabin air filter, is there such a thing??

Stephen, Thanks for the info. Do you know the purpose the foam was supposed to serve? It seems strange to have a car offered with a cabin air filter that has dry rotted foam blowing through the vents.
The 940's in the USA did not have the option for a cabin air filter. Apparently the late model 940's in the EU did have the option for a cabin filter. The foam was used for sound dampening on the flaps in the plenum that control where the air flow is going.

The 940's in the USA did not have the option for a cabin air filter. Apparently the late model 940's in the EU did have the option for a cabin filter. The foam was used for sound dampening on the flaps in the plenum that control where the air flow is going.


Thanks for looking into this, guys.

-steve '94 945t
The foam also acts as a seal, I have a similar problem with my 740 and GTI. There's this thin foam you can get from Michael's or other craft stores (sold as "Foamies") roughly 1/8" thick, using some 3M spray adhesive, you can redo the foam on the "doors" inside the control box/plenum. I have a set ready for my GTI when I have the time to do the heater core.. looks like I'll be doing the same on the 740.. :roll: