On a related note the pico 2204a is a quite good entry level scope imo, I had good luck getting injector and canbus waveforms with it, although secondary ignition left a lot to be desired.
I discovered the scope car diagnostics a few years ago and I had immediately falled in love with it.
Bob had reported only some of the main tests that can be made also with a cheap handheld scope that can save a lot of time in finding the causes of failures but the powerful of a scope is that can substitute near any other diagnostic equipment.
The pico 2204A is offered also without the probes and in my opinion is the best choice for who want a good scope for car diagnostics without spending too much money since most of the probes must be self constructed or purchased separately (eg. capacitive high voltage probes, BNC with cocodrile or banana jacks etc)
Also if the 2204A is the entry level model it uses the same very very powerful software that makes Picoscope so famous.
Just to list some very easy tests that can be made with a 2204A:
- check and tune ignition timing in real time
- find cylinder misfires thanks to a math function of the rpm signal (the same function used by modern ECU to find misfires on single cylinders)
- relative compression test (a very fast test than show if there is an unbalanced cylinder compression just monitoring the voltage drop at the battery during cranking)
But the list can continue for a long time and with the right probes many other advanced tests can be easily done (in cylinder pressure waveform analysis, intake pressure pulse waveform analysis, fuel pump state of health check and so on)