Hey everyone...I'm alive. Its been a rough couple of months but I'm getting back on my feet. Right on the middle of dealing with the city over tagging my race care as junk, my trans goes out in my daily. So I'm in the middle of a auto to m46 swap when I realize I have the wrong flywheel. While waiting for the new flywheel, Corpus get hit by Hurricane Harvey. My apartment gets destroyed, so I was sleeping in my car a few days. Then I get a 2 week notice that my job at the Navy Hospital has been eliminated. I was at a point where all I could say was "damn it"...OK, I may have said a few more choice words. But then the silver lining. The very next day I got a job offer as the site LEAD AT Keesler AFB. I accepted. It was a decent raise (44% increase) and I had to be in Biloxi two weeks later. I finished up the trans swap, used the storm to get out of my lease, packed up a few things and moved. Three days after getting to Biloxi I get a direct hit by Hurricane Nate....seriously WTF.. Anyway there was no damage. My apartment is 14' up on poles and I split because I knew there would be flooding. I was right. Looks like about 3' of water was under my apartment. So now I'm settled, Berserker is fine and stored in Corpus for a few more weeks. Once I get a required certification out of the way, I'll make arrangements to have it shipped here. Seriously guys, thanks for the concern, all is well. And if everything goes as planned, Berserker will be terrorizing Cruise the Coast in 2018.