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Brakes build pressure, junction box dripping 1988- 240

I considered this. Would this convert the system to a single circuit?

I've already plugged the sensor port. Been trying to figure what to do for sealing the center section to maintain 2 separate circuits.

that is basically what that delete block is and its free, brakes work the same. look at the plumbing on dave bartons website.
The fluid does not travel through the center of the brake octopus. Just like on the non abs later block. Even with the factory setup if there is fluid bypassing through the middle you have a issue with a circuit or the octopus itself
Will the NPT plugs on each end of the block bottom out on the center bore and seal each side from the other? I’m not following. With the plugs in place I guess there’s enough room around the threads for the fluid to reach the other ports?
You tap the inner section of the warning light valve. Put small npt plugs on each side inside the middle and then you use the old outer plugs to close it all up. You can also put a threaded plug where the warning light switch goes.
Is your build with or without the center failure switch? I just read that the '91 junction box did not have the switch.
Without. its a reproduction of the 91. the warning switch is what always fails and leaks. BNE sells a reservoir cap with a level sensor to wire into the switch.
Late reply, but I ended up slapping a new caliper to replace the one that would only build pressure and not release. I also replaced the soft lines, and the hardlines that connect from the soft to the caliper. Along with a replacement master cylinder the issue is resolved.
Without. its a reproduction of the 91. the warning switch is what always fails and leaks. BNE sells a reservoir cap with a level sensor to wire into the switch.
My son drives the 240 and is away at college. I've ordered another junk leaky junction block since he has to have a car. But, when that one goes, or before, I'd like to replace with your solution.
My son drives the 240 and is away at college. I've ordered another junk leaky junction block since he has to have a car. But, when that one goes, or before, I'd like to replace with your solution.
Chiming in here with @Pietercc 's replacement Brake Octopus. Have had mine for a couple hundred miles now and have no issues. Brake pedal feel is fantastic and 0 leaks. I relocated my brake failure switch using a brake reservoir cap from a BMW E30 from Rockauto and a new ground wire. Works great and only cost me like $50.