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Brakes?? Ford 8.8 swap


Active member
Dec 5, 2014
Denver Colorado
Just "Completed" a ford 8.8 rear end swap on my 1982 volvo 240dl wagon. With this I have swapped over to the explorer rear calipers, I know the rear proportioning valves for the volvo brakes are notorious for being a pain to bleed the air out of. Should these be removed with the explorer calipers and just run a central proportioning valve?

Or do I just keep those and bleed as normal?
Just "Completed" a ford 8.8 rear end swap on my 1982 volvo 240dl wagon. With this I have swapped over to the explorer rear calipers, I know the rear proportioning valves for the volvo brakes are notorious for being a pain to bleed the air out of. Should these be removed with the explorer calipers and just run a central proportioning valve?

Or do I just keep those and bleed as normal?
Those are reduction valves, so you should remove them with the ford calipers. What are you doing for the front brakes? I would suggest running new lines, a single line from the rear to a wilwood proportioning valve inline, and a single to the fronts.
Those are reduction valves, so you should remove them with the ford calipers. What are you doing for the front brakes? I would suggest running new lines, a single line from the rear to a wilwood proportioning valve inline, and a single to the fronts.
Yeah that's what I was thinking.

Fronts I have s60r calipers
The stock non-ABS 240 master cylinder is designed for a equal volume in each circuit. Which means it can only be used with a diagonal split system.
If you want to swap to a front/rear split system you will need to change the master cylinder.
I would get rid of the factory octopus and run the fronts of the rear larger bore master and the rears can run off the front smaller bore master. I hated the way the brakes felt the diagonal connection on the factory octopus block. One front wheel would lock up. I switch to an ABS master with willwood reduction valve for the rears at its least reduced settings. R calipers all around. Brakes feel amazing and decently balanced.
I didn't feel the need to change anything when I used the Explorer rear brakes, they seem to have a little more stopping power than the volvo rear brakes so I think you may find too much rear brake without the reducing valves.