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Mar 16, 2024
So I have built a engine has various mods so I have a pipe coming from breather box to beer tin tempary job up on driving it seems to be blowing a fair bit so up on pulling out beer tin put finger over end can feel it build a tad of preassure in pipe then bellows oily smoke out exhaust is this sign of bad engine or need of catch can set up proper job?
So I have built a engine has various mods so I have a pipe coming from breather box to beer tin tempary job up on driving it seems to be blowing a fair bit so up on pulling out beer tin put finger over end can feel it build a tad of preassure in pipe then bellows oily smoke out exhaust is this sign of bad engine or need of catch can set up proper job?


Idk what’s going on other than your sentence is running

Post pictures so we can help, try not to drink before you post here
Is it just me or does it seem like everyone has forgotten how to use punctuation in the last few years?
If I tune my ear to hk40 frequency, my guess is you have excessive crankcase pressure.... probably from a 1 millionty year old engine with massive blow-by.... but then you also said "built" and "engine" in close proximity... perhaps you didn't run the engine in properly and the rings aren't sealing?
If I tune my ear to hk40 frequency, my guess is you have excessive crankcase pressure.... probably from a 1 millionty year old engine with massive blow-by.... but then you also said "built" and "engine" in close proximity... perhaps you didn't run the engine in properly and the rings aren't sealing?

My guess is he used bud light can and Volvo 240s aren’t progressive enough to advertise WoKe beer
Generally, you need to have an enclosed system, with a pipe from the breather box, or elsewhere, to your beer can and a pipe from there back to the intake before the turbo. There need to be no leaks in the system. The idea is to catch any liquid in the fumes in the beer can (or "catch can") and not go back into the engine. The catch can is then emptied as necessary.
However, this will not compensate for a problem with your engine - worn/broken rings or cylinders etc. The quicker your catch can fills up the bigger problem you probably have.
I'd keep the stock PCV box but run an additional breather off the cam cover or the block and feed both the extra breather and PCV outlet into a catch can. I boost at 20PSI on a reasonably tired engine and I've never filled the catch can.
I made the block vent out of the old distributor for my 940T. Connects to the catch can with no drain, it collects probably about half of a quart of oil per 10K miles.
