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Carpet kit options for 1983 242


New member
Jan 7, 2025
I'm in search of a replacement kit for a 1983 242 in black.

In searching threads here and on google I've seen the kit offered at Factory Interiors, Stock Interiors and VP Autoparts - all of these excepting Stock Interiors have the Auto Custom Carpets logo, and from posts here it appears none of these are a great fit. Can anyone comment on a recent experience with any of these options? Much of the feedback here is 5-10+ years old.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you all might have.
If you can’t find anything new, I’ve had surprisingly good luck running junkyard carpets through the heavy duty washing machine machines at the laundromat. Go easy on the dryer as they can shrink around the edges. I’ve brought back a couple gross carpets this way…
That's actually a great idea, thanks for the tip! I suppose I could air dry it to avoid any shrinkage. Very limited Volvos at the junkyard in my areas but worth watching.
Also a great idea, would work here once warm weather hits.
You’ll be surprised just how much comes out with just pressure washer water. For best results I use simple green and laundry detergent mix (3:1 mix) and just let it sit for few min

Almost everything comes out looking like new unless worn down, burned or very heavy oil stained

Post in thread '1981 244 GL High MPG - daughter's first car'

Post in thread '1981 244 GL High MPG - daughter's first car'
You’ll be surprised just how much comes out with just pressure washer water. For best results I use simple green and laundry detergent mix (3:1 mix) and just let it sit for few min

Almost everything comes out looking like new unless worn down, burned or very heavy oil stained

Post in thread '1981 244 GL High MPG - daughter's first car'

Post in thread '1981 244 GL High MPG - daughter's first car'

Wow, that is an amazing result especially considering that was just a pressure washer! Looks so clean!
You can also use a wet/dry vacuum to suck out the dirt after you wash them will help to get most of the water out
You can also use a wet/dry vacuum to suck out the dirt after you wash them will help to get most of the water out
Thank you, I have used that trick before - shampooing with my small bissell carpet cleaner then using the shopvac to extract (the suction on the bissell isn't that great). The steam cleaner also works well to get stains out as long as one is careful to not melt anything.