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no you need a normal 8v ecuhello, I have an ecu from 16v b234f 571 in my car, and I would like to put a b200ft engine in the car, is it possible to put a chip in the 571 ecu?
it doesn't matter which ecu exactly?no you need a normal 8v ecu
idk what you're asking but the -562 -571 -928 -950 etc ECU numbers are oddball ones with different hardware and don't take normal 8v chips. Most of the common late ECU part numbers in USA -933 -946 -954 -967 etc can have a "normal" chip installed for whatever your application may be. idk what the common numbers are in non USA.it doesn't matter which ecu exactly?
thank youChips won't increase fuel pressure or fuel flow capacity, unfortunately.
Yes, but chips are calibrated for a certain fuel injector flow rate so you will have to know ahead of time what fuel pressure you want. In addition more fuel pressure can strain the fuel pumps more. I have run 3.5 bar without issue.thank you
so can i use adjustable fuel pressure regulator on the FK ?