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you dont need to change that. the AFR is being calculated from what lambda its running at. regular gas is lambda 1 at 14.7 AFR. so when you run with E85 and useing the gas scale and it shows 14.7 it means your at lambda 1 with E85 since the AFR is calculated to 14.7 for lambda 1 on gas.
dont know how good i explaind it but i hope you get it or someone else might explain better for you.
You don't now $hit!! There just going to tell you this!!
Why are you tuning so rich?? Are you working with a Rotary engine??
You dont know ****. you just quoting ONE person. I never said I knew anything. Just trying to get the correct info.
let someone else answer please. Im not trying to get into a whole thing here. I read contradicting statements on other forums with other e85 tuners.
Upon further research david244 is correct However there is Nothing wrong with verifying information with other sources. Because not everyone knows what their talking about on turbobricks.
Link to what ethanol
blend you can expect per state during certain times of the year.
are you just one of those **** talkers on turbobricks? You can only talk **** if your ride makes mine look ****ty. so lets see
this whip of yours.
Because he gave you the answer to you question.
i didnt answer his question and neither does that link, my answer and the information from that link is saying he does not need to change scale. he might want to change scale for other reasons that i might not know and im sorry but i dont know how his gauge works so i cant help him with changeing scale on it.
Edit: THE END! no more about why he want to change his scale! i gave one tip that he doesnt need to so next person would be the one with another question about E85 fuel, converting tuneing or other OR tip how his gauge works.
your probably sitting right around the 300-320whp mark, i had a similar setup to yours, good reliable setup though!