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how easy is it to bend a flexplate?


Active member
Aug 29, 2005
So Cal
1991 940 turbo automatic
Just finished swapping my transmission. but there is a vibration.
looking through the crank sensor hole i can see it wobble slightly.

the torque converter was all the way in on the transmission, and the trans was flush up to the engine and a few bellhousing bolts were snug before i put any TC bolts in.
could the transmission have bumped it when i was installing it? would it bend that easily??
quite frustrating that im going to have to pull this thing again.

and i guess i could have called this "how flexy is the flex plate?"
My torque converter wasn't pushed in all the way and I tried to use the bolts/block/bellhousing to force them together... I was pretty sure that I'd bent the flexplate so I acquired another. Replaced it last weekend and surprisingly the old one was ok.

Sadly I think I bent the torque converter. Something is amiss though because the flexplate rubs on things.
1991 940 turbo automatic
Just finished swapping my transmission. but there is a vibration.
looking through the crank sensor hole i can see it wobble slightly.

the torque converter was all the way in on the transmission, and the trans was flush up to the engine and a few bellhousing bolts were snug before i put any TC bolts in.
could the transmission have bumped it when i was installing it? would it bend that easily??
quite frustrating that im going to have to pull this thing again.

and i guess i could have called this "how flexy is the flex plate?"

If you are sure the converter was all the way back into the pump, very little chance you bent the flex plate. Does the vibration occur when the car is sitting still in neutral, or only at road speeds? If it is only while actually driving the car, check the out put yolk for side-side movement in the transmission tail shaft. That bushing is a very common failure on Volvo automatics.
it happens when the car is revved up. idle, park, neutral, driving.
i replaced the tailshaft bushing on this transmission, so its got no play.
Don't use the flexplate bolts to pull the transmission onto the engine. Put the flexplate on the rear of the crank, using non-permanent Loctite and the correct torque. Clean all threads on the crank and on the bolts with acetone or lacquer thinner so that the Loctite will work correctly. When the tranny is up against the flexplate, clean all threads and put the bolts in finger tight with the Loctite, then tighten them in increments to the proper torque.

Flex plates are made from steel and then are heat treated to make them harder and more flexy. They are more likely to crack than bend.
Easier to bend them during disassembly. All you have to do is hang the weight of the trans off them and it's done. Could also be your convertor is out of round too.

Regards, Andrew.
flexplate didnt come off.
pulled trans/converter.
put in different trans/converter.

what my game plan for tomorrow after work is, make sure the converter is still connected to the flexplate by all bolts (ie ,none backed out)
if thats the case, then take out the converter bolts, make sure the conveter slides back into the trans, and spin to make sure its copacetic. (and rotate the engine to see if the flexplate is good) if that all works out ok, then i will double check to make sure the trans is torqued to the block properly (square, no funny gaps or anything)

then make sure the converter is back on the flexplate with no hangups.
if it STILL vibrates, then trans comes out.

i just want my car back to normaL!

anyone in the area want to give me a hand?
i got it fixed.
im thinking it was a combo of no loctite on the flexplate bolts and the what i didnt think was going to be such a solid mount turning out to be a solid mound (filled new stock mount with urethane glue). when i pulled the mount out it was literally a NON flexible piece. so back to stock mount, redid the torque on the converter to flexplate bolts and car drives great.
thanks for the suggestions!