One was in the works for old palm. There is a section on the megasquert forums dedicated to this venture but it never rely took off.
thats the link but you wont find much there.
The reason I'm replying:
Back in the day 12+ years ago i was a programmer for 4 years. The bubble clasped and i was out of work then and gave up any serious coding. I still code for fun now and again but have not been serious for the last 12 years.
I just did a simple php phone/address book system for the family so every one can loin update there info so every one can send Christmas cards etc.
Back to the subject at hand. With all this time on my hands Ive been looking into this MS phone problem myself as i own a black berry and was thinking it would be nice just to have it display some of the things mega view does but with out the edit capabilities. IE warm-up, MAP, coolant temp, batt voltage, and maybe for mega II have it show a specific screen during cranking showing the enrich and injector pulse-with maybe a few others. then when its done cranking go back to standard view screen.
The good:
almost all phones made in the last 4 years are happy ruining Java or rather J2ME ( Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition). The best part about this is i sent 4 years learning the in's and out's of Java. Not java script but java.
The bad: I have not used java in 12+ years and have not clue how to even start using J2ME. The basics are the same i got my black berry to spit back hello world ( If you don't get my reference to hello world go here ) to me but its a bit different.
The other real issue is that the MS board dos not sit out any real nice headers to be used, unless I go with the CAN connection ( Controller Area Network ) on my MSII and i don't want to do this because it will limit the ability to be used by all. That leaves me stuck with the DB9 we all used to talk to the MS with. Last BAD, but kinda good. all our new phones have a mini usb connector that most use for charging now and backing up and transferring files music to our computers but for this to work will need to get a serial to usb adapter. The cheep ones don't work all that well 100% of the time. Im looking at getting one come Jan 1st for about 40 USD. Then ill be able to continue my little project.
I've decided if i do get it working and all is well I'll first release 1 alpha to every one here who has a different phone for free. So so who knows. Only one i will not be doing is I phone for now. Every one who Alpha's for me will get free updates and copies for any MS phone app i write.
I cant even think beta or full release if i do get it working. All i know is this should not cost an arm and a leg so $5 bucks would be the most id charge. For a non editing version. If and only if it makes it that far and it works will i look into making a version that can actually edit values.
Well feel free to check back with me on January 5th. I should have the phone talking to the MS then.
Oh and now is your chance Ill be updating a list with a TB name and phone below this line. I'll only be Alpha testing 1 of each phone model So list your phone and model in a pm to me and ill add you to the list. This will also give me an idea of demand and help me decide if i need to start looking for real work or if this will be my new job for the next few months.
Oh and Nikolaos244Turbo has 1st dibbs, please send me your phone modle.