I‘m trying to mount a keyless entry receiver through the 210 211 Volvo guard relay.
My alarm is not working so I have bridged the 50E and 50F to get the stater working. And I have a 2 channel controller for my new key and wired one channel to ground the ATR pin to get the unlock working. But how should I wire the lock Funktion?
I read about a AL pin for locking but my 210 211 doesn’t have this. I have a AL2 pin but this does not work for locking
My alarm is not working so I have bridged the 50E and 50F to get the stater working. And I have a 2 channel controller for my new key and wired one channel to ground the ATR pin to get the unlock working. But how should I wire the lock Funktion?
I read about a AL pin for locking but my 210 211 doesn’t have this. I have a AL2 pin but this does not work for locking