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Oil Additive


New member
Nov 25, 2024
I've changed the oil and my B230F is at the full mark. I forgot to allow room for an additive that will treat the Rear main seal.
Should I add the 11.5 Oz of Main Seal treatment or drain some oil and then add the additive.
Would it make a difference?
If you serviced the PCV system and the rear main seal is leaking. Plan on a rear main seal replacement.
I was told that there's no visible signs o it leaking but an additive might prevent a repair by keeping the seal from getting brittle. To help delay or prevent a replacement.
My post was to address the fill level being problematic if 12oz over.
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I was told that there's no visible signs o it leaking but an additive might prevent a repair by keeping the seal from getting brittle. To help delay or prevent a replacement.
My post was to address the fill level being problematic if 12oz over.
Ok if you looking at it that way, I would just buy one of the high mileage oil versions you like. Those oils contain seal conditioners to help keep the oil in.