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Redblock coolant passage cleaning rust with white vinegar

The hot tip I got for coolant gallery of block cleaning was

- 10% citric acid (from a home brewer shop) mixture with water, let it soak for 24 hours
- if there's still chunks in there, 5% w/v for 2 days
- wash out with water and don't leave the mix to dry
- then 40g/litre sodium hydroxide (also from a home brewer shop) and let it soak for an hour
- rinse out the residue with water and don't let it dry - use compressed air to aid drying
The hot tip I got for coolant gallery of block cleaning was

- 10% citric acid (from a home brewer shop) mixture with water, let it soak for 24 hours
- if there's still chunks in there, 5% w/v for 2 days
- wash out with water and don't leave the mix to dry
- then 40g/litre sodium hydroxide (also from a home brewer shop) and let it soak for an hour
- rinse out the residue with water and don't let it dry - use compressed air to aid drying
Hallo to WAY down under!

I'll presume the sodium hydroxide will neutralize the various mild acids used. Another fellow here proposed baking soda.

I went straight back in with another fresh gallon of the 30% vinegar solution. LOTS of rust and crud washed out onto my driveway....now I've got the pistons and rods out as the bores will receive a very light honing prior to final assembly. I saw one decent sized chunk of rust/flake that wouldn't fit thru the deck area coolant passage; seems like most of it is now gone or going. After the second 10 day soak I will peek into the coolant jacketed areas with a tiny LED reading light and see what remains.

Hope all is well in TAZ ;)