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The Buchka 242 Fake Racecar

Alex Buchka

8 cylinders
Apr 8, 2004
Los Angeles
It's time to start a new, real project thread for the heap.

Here's the old showroom thread for reference.

Quick recap on the car.

Some cagey bits:


C5 Corvette Z06 driveline:


Volvo B8444s 4.4l V8 from an XC90:


BBS centerlock wheels:


Faux race car pedal box:



And some other junk.

Moving on:

The last few years progress has been slow and motivation to work has been the a little on the low side. Studying full time in Sweden and only spending a few months a year in the US is also a factor. Also, the last two years all the available time has been spent on renovating the new workshop.

Last summer our dad got a workshop unit in a local industrial park on the cape. Long story short, it was pretty much a dump when we got the keys. The previous owner was a carpenter and he had very little in the way of dust collection equipment. This, coupled with a raised wooden floor, water creeping in under the roll-up door, and some dubious cleaning practices over the years resulted in hundreds of pounds of putrid sawdust on the floor and an equal amount of sawdust covering every horizontal surface in the entire shop. Karl and I completely remodeled it in exchange for keeping the 242 there.

The shop is about 1000sqf with a mezzanine and a small office. A small half bath is tucked into the corner of the ground level:

<img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-atVOcpPDpvY/TiUGIucmfxI/AAAAAAAAbAo/lFNdR5w61RY/s800/IMG_7398-IMG_7411.jpg" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-SqnyEcdvb3E/TiUGINA7GsI/AAAAAAAAbBQ/TAWiLt5rc6w/s800/IMG_7392-IMG_7397.jpg" alt="Bild">

Coffee break.

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-V7tbismcR-A/TijSC-6hkiI/AAAAAAAAbC4/gtiZaWYcvmc/s800/IMG_1175.jpg" alt="Bild">

We started by tearing out the raised floor to uncover the concrete and let it dry out properly

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-eoU1x03lWyw/Ti9yRZpP50I/AAAAAAAAbDo/6jAHL8RB64Y/s800/IMG_1193.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XsBQ_toIWOU/Ti9yXEa26-I/AAAAAAAAbFA/XGAEwuxZAh0/s800/IMG_1200.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-glCoIWRS3E4/Ti9ye-xtEcI/AAAAAAAAbEg/m7YdkT8UbqU/s800/IMG_1207.JPG" alt="Bild">

Champagne should be sipped.

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-HDTeUjk-HMg/TjIhjYygAgI/AAAAAAAAbGg/bW_4qWaptzI/s800/IMG_1216.JPG" alt="Bild">

Painted the walls:

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-d6rimTALhp0/TqLUMEPeD8I/AAAAAAAAbP8/uJxWpPyuVzU/s800/PICT1517.JPG" alt="Bild">

Installed studs under the beams supporting the mezzanine:

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-TOWmxoaZAG8/Ti9yhph1LDI/AAAAAAAAbEw/skUpfM-Aaw0/s800/IMG_1210.JPG" alt="Bild">

Built a small closet under the stairs to house the compressor:

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-jAOVq4kYrNE/TjIhjTIEoMI/AAAAAAAAbGk/__FxZ7BcQig/s800/IMG_1217.JPG" alt="Bild">


<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-cpPl4OF4LgI/TjIhphFzW8I/AAAAAAAAbSg/dH0NHNZQFPA/s800/IMG_1224.JPG" alt="Bild">

All new wiring pulled through EMT with 220v outlets for hooking up welders:

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-CE1fRuTg1eE/TqLUNEv9EUI/AAAAAAAAbQk/DLdXKuytKtY/s800/PICT1522.JPG" alt="Bild">

Replaced all the outdated T12 fixtures with T8's and electronic ballasts. They're a little more expensive than magnetic ballasts but they raise the efficiency of the bulbs and don't have any annoying hum. All in all, ended up being about 4kw of lighting, it's really bright in there now and it's awesome.

Homer came out for a visit and he helped do some work in the shop, or as he knows it, the Buchka political re-education center:

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8JWCvWOfWDc/TwCQ0Mfv6OI/AAAAAAAAbZk/Jecs3d4gz1I/s800/PICT1589.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KFJWayFnG2k/TwCQzNDijVI/AAAAAAAAbZE/hkVYw0UYUV0/s800/PICT1585.JPG" alt="Bild">

Got a used, dealer trade-in two post lift:

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-OSmWaBrjSbc/TwCQxBDS9TI/AAAAAAAAbYQ/IY4mxILfhl4/s800/PICT1575.JPG" alt="Bild">

Swapped a set of wheels for a lot of industrial shelving. The mezzanine is now geared for parts and junk storage:

<img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-jN7y4ev68-Y/TqXcOZ7blkI/AAAAAAAAbS4/xLi7irl_EzM/s800/PICT1545.JPG" alt="Bild">

Ground the floor and laid down epoxy coat. Thought about spreading those flake things to pretty it up but if you drop a small bolt or washer on there it becomes impossible to find:

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-SbrynpBj9-8/UAQQ5KEwxsI/AAAAAAAAcWk/UCBhDWwIVwo/s800/photo%25203.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-sr1txzFO71E/UAQQ5xrQVII/AAAAAAAAcW0/ZrAj2Ud0zXE/s800/photo%25205.JPG" alt="Bild">

Ran copper pipe for compressed air outlets around the shop, along with a 50ft hose reel mounted on the lift.

Completely gutted the bathroom and installed hex mosaic tile flooring, recessed lights, new fixtures, and a utility sink.

We picked up a Miller Syncrowave 250 TIG at the start of this summer. It's an older transformer machine that weighs several hundred pounds, but the arc is buttery smooth and starts very well. It's such a relief to finally have our own AC/DC TIG.

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-L5PcFG0dvgs/UC1LAaA-6wI/AAAAAAAAcZQ/6wRU2uhvhpg/s800/photo%25201.JPG" alt="Bild">

Moved in some workbenches that I put steel tops on, along with some storage cabinets.

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8GTRI7e0lqQ/UAaV0SGwO4I/AAAAAAAAcXI/nLh_vNxr_9M/s800/photo.JPG" alt="Bild">

There's always tons of fiddly stuff to take care of but all in all, I'd say the shop is nearing completion. Before we dragged the 242 over from hibernation I put together a makeshift chassis table for it. Building one out of steel was outside the budget so I settled for 2x6 framing with 3/4" poplar ply on both sides, standing on 4x4 legs with adjustable feet. Final size is 4'x10' so it covers the wheelbase of the car with some room to spare on both ends. It's not perfectly flat by any stretch, but much better than the old concrete floor, and it gets the car off the ground for a more comfortable working height.

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-saM-GB6ru0Y/UC1LAS6utqI/AAAAAAAAcZQ/CydnHRKFxQs/s800/photo%25202.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mJ-daCmfY44/UC1LAXBH0BI/AAAAAAAAcZQ/HQ2RKf3Ldts/s800/photo%25203.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ehop1oI63sg/UC1LAaXHX7I/AAAAAAAAcZQ/1u1maiF0jSA/s800/photo%25204.JPG" alt="Bild">

The car was dusted off and loaded up.

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-V9LzC-Hgf9E/UC1QhGMtjQI/AAAAAAAAcc8/huvO2OU319s/s800/IMG_0108.JPG" alt="Bild">

Raised up on the table at ride height.

<img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-PsrmLqalGEM/UC1PZ0DU9rI/AAAAAAAAcc0/mTkwKfJdvt4/s800/IMG_0111.JPG" alt="Bild">

The old wheel wells were made with smaller wheels in mind so we had to hack the rear frame rails out completely. Got one of the rear wheels jammed up in there to get an idea of how the car will sit. It was a real motivation booster to see the wheel in there, and it finally dawned on me how dumped the car is really going to be, but still with usable suspension travel.

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-qkUHmx-UUCA/UC1m6LiKEII/AAAAAAAAcg4/VBSXT_C0a5k/s800/IMG_0180%255B1%255D.JPG" alt="Bild">

Hacked the trans tunnel out and got the driveline temporarily mocked up to see where it should go. Because of the V8 having some extra crap hanging off the back the firewall will need to be moved back just a smidge more than it already is. The parts have all been measured and positioned in CAD.

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-C_PN0wJtPes/UC1VdKUmvqI/AAAAAAAAceU/7OIGd0V2YA4/s800/IMG_0132.JPG" alt="Bild">

Pulled the intake manifold off the engine. The intake ports look pretty good, but the tight packaging of the engine leaves a little to be desired on the exhaust side.

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-WuH2zRoofSo/UC1LAfeckDI/AAAAAAAAcZQ/BdCLyH1ZVaA/s800/photo%25202.JPG" alt="Bild">

Scored some good stuff on ebay too. Got a Nascar reverse mount starter, a ring gear for that, and a hydraulic release bearing. The ring gear is known as reverse mount style and bolts to the top of the Tilton 7.25" clutch cover. Since the clutch and starter package is so small the bellhousing can be brought down in diameter quite a bit. The bellhousing and other driveline parts are nearing finished design in CAD. Hopefully I can crank those out before we come back over christmas.

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-pMkhFv5CO2k/UC1fEcR4ryI/AAAAAAAAcgY/eAtHPcMxoN4/s800/IMG_0182%255B1%255D.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-msn_wipiyV8/UC1fFVjpXiI/AAAAAAAAcgY/WTrPEDFG6Ak/s800/IMG_0184%255B1%255D.JPG" alt="Bild">

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-w506PuUAsjg/UC1aGfX0vsI/AAAAAAAAcfY/TBQ4fB3ByjQ/s800/IMG_0148.JPG" alt="Bild"></div>
awesome job renovating that workshop. looks fantastic.

the chassis table to me almost seem like it would make it more difficult to work on the car in certain respects... i assume that it will just be used while you are working out the fenders?
Oh god it's me. I was exploited because of my inspector gadget limbs.
I'm gonna come back this winter and terrorize the, uh, thing.
Nice work on the shop, bros. Can't believe you stole that V8 though. I've got a backup for ya when you blow that one up :)

Crap, forgot: DIRY?
Wonderful work.

You guys are still here in Massachusetts while your in the US, right?

You should probably have a mini-meet so we can drool. Just saying. :-P
i would love to have a work space like that looks amazing alot of work to get it to that point but definitely looks worth it. and the volvo has definitely come along way...