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The cleanst volvo I've bought to date! 94 940 wagon


Active member
Nov 29, 2002
Estevan, Sask Canada
Well.. I didn't need to buy another car but when I heard the details I couldn't resist.

One owner car, 127,000 km, they told me you could only drink distilled water in it! Also everything was serviced by volvo.. even has a Volvo battery.







Of course, main Canadian stop



I've had some 18" pegs boxed up for 6 years but I'm leaning towards painting the 17" ones I have same color and going that route.

Thanks to GTJordan for giving me the details on the car!

Now other than Ecodes, 15g & exhaust hopefully I'll leave it alone!
Nice to see another person from Saskatchewan! Must be the season to buy extremely clean wagons - I just picked up a 740 in Regina last week off the original owner. 1987 turbo intercooler with a stack of maintenance records thicker than a bible.

Nice find!
Yes. 94 940's FTW. Looks like a super clean example. When ya find one like that, you gotta jump on it.
Nice to see another person from Saskatchewan! Must be the season to buy extremely clean wagons - I just picked up a 740 in Regina last week off the original owner. 1987 turbo intercooler with a stack of maintenance records thicker than a bible.

Nice find!

Post up pictures!

Thanks everyone, the only thing I don't really like is the color. I really like the darker colored wagons (like my 96 960 that I use to own).

Having a hard time finding wheels I really like. I'm tempted to settle on the Pegs but after seeing evan55 240 wagon I'm tempted to try these:

The car was actually from Ontario :omg: Never thought I'd buy another eastern car. But, the elder man that bought it new had the car undercoated, then had the cars entire chassis and underhood OILED!! YEARLY!!

I'll have to get an underhood shot, it's a mess. But if the day comes that I care to clean it all off it'll be as new.

After his dad passed, his son had the car shipped to Alberta for his sister to drive when she moved to AB. She never ended up moving, he didn't need the car. So he walked into the Volvo dealer where he had a pile of stuff replaced that didn't need replacing and told the service manager he wanted to sell the car. Jordan, heard about it and posted on facebook about it. 4-5 days later after I first read about it I drove up and bought it.

The guy didn't want to sell it, he was worried about the next owner. So I told him this car is going to Arizona to be driven a few weeks out of the year and garage stored otherwise. He was very happy!
I see a Volvo of Edmonton plate frame...

Still Volvo-less. Sold my E50 AMG earlier this month then I actually bought an 855 T5R the same week from japan, but further inspection found odo in miles, not KM, and "paint repair" that was actually "color change" so I cancelled.

Just missed out on an alpina wagon last night, but there's a 3.8 M5 staring at me from the auction sheets tonight...

*edit- wait, what? Arizona?
I see a Volvo of Edmonton plate frame...

Still Volvo-less. Sold my E50 AMG earlier this month then I actually bought an 855 T5R the same week from japan, but further inspection found odo in miles, not KM, and "paint repair" that was actually "color change" so I cancelled.

Just missed out on an alpina wagon last night, but there's a 3.8 M5 staring at me from the auction sheets tonight...

*edit- wait, what? Arizona?

So cool you're still importing cars. I wouldn't worry about picking a Volvo when there is so much else out there (but you know that better than me). Are you ever thinking about building a rwd one again?

The Arizona thing, my parents are at "that age" where they'd rather be south in the winter. They bought a place with lots of garage space so I wanted something that my family (Wife & 2 kids) could tour the west with without having to rent. Plus, gives me something to look forward to driving when we go down there. So now I'm trying to get all the stuff I want done to it finished before we drive it down in the fall.

Being back on the forum has me itching to work on my 242 again.
1. Show me one in decent shape with decent mileage at a decent price (cars in europe = not cheap)
2. Add 18.1% tax and duty
3. Add $2500 for freight
4. Tell me why this is better than just buying an M90 'kit' and converting a local car.
5. I don't have time, or space for a full on project, which also answers Geoffs question.